The aging process can be challenging and stressful, especially if your relative or loved one starts to deteriorate and has trouble with daily tasks. Luckily, there are options that can help them to retain their independence and stay in their own home. Parent Care offers high-quality and accessible home health services in the Bronx, New York, so you can be sure that the patient is safe, comfortable, and retains their sense of independence.
8 Ways Quality Home Health Services Can Transform Your Life
1. They Allow Your Loved One to Remain at Home
Staying in their own home can be very beneficial for people who suffer from limited mobility. The fact that they are in familiar surroundings often helps them to retain greater faculties and feel more at peace. What’s more, it’s often possible for the patient to maintain a greater sense of independence than they would at a nursing home. If they can’t leave their house on their own, the aide can accompany them on errands and to appointments.
2. They Help You to Plan Care
When one of your family members or a close friend becomes ill or housebound, it can be very hard to know what steps to take next. What kind of care do they need, and how can you provide this for them? Enlisting the help of a professional in elder care planning can allow you to make the best decision possible for everyone involved. This service includes going through all the options, choosing what is sensible, and implementing the plan.
Your elder care consultant will discuss the patient’s situation, their individual needs, and their personal preferences with you. They will also take the family’s financial situation and your own circumstances into consideration, then suggest some solutions that could work well for everyone. Here at Parent Care, we can help you to enroll the patient in Medicare and develop an organizational tool that helps you to keep track of all the paperwork and documents.
3. They Help You to Coordinate Care
First, all of your loved one’s needs will be assessed, and we will double-check that they are receiving an appropriate level of care that is safe and effective. Then, we can develop communication channels with the whole team, so everyone is involved in and aware of the patient’s schedule and therefore able to provide the best care possible. Over time, your coordinator gets to know your loved ones and their needs, so the service becomes more personalized.
4. They Provide Companionship When You Can’t
The children and relatives of housebound people have their own lives and commitments, and it’s not always possible for them to visit multiple times a week. As a result, the patient might feel lonely and out of touch. Fortunately, home health services in the Bronx and New York can help you out by offering companion care. As part of this service, your loved one will be visited by someone on a regular basis, so they are not left on their own.
The patient has a lot of say about what their companion care looks like. Some people would simply like someone to speak to or play cards with, while others ask their caregiver to complete routine household tasks they are no longer able to perform on their own. Sometimes, the patient might want to go out for a walk or to run some errands, and the caregiver will accompany them to make sure they remain safe.
5. They Prevent Accidents and Injuries
Another major issue can be medication intake, which is difficult for elderly people. Often, there is a large number of different medicines that they have to take, and it can be extremely difficult for them to remember which one to take at what time. Your home health aide will be able to help them with this by laying out the correct drugs for the patient every day. This can prevent further illness and issues related to wrong dosages.
6. They Offer a Variety of Services for Young People
Parent Care helps you by providing a variety of services, such as a home health aide who can visit you on a regular basis, physical therapy, speech therapy, and specialized treatments. If your child suffers from a serious illness, they will be eligible for this service.
7. They Serve You All Over the Bronx and New York
No matter where in NYC you’re located, you can benefit from home care. Our aides will be able to travel to you on a daily basis, and our services are available to anyone who qualifies for Medicaid. This high level of accessibility can be particularly helpful if you or your housebound loved one ends up moving to a different location within the city, as we will still be able to help you care for them. That way, you’ll benefit from continuity in the level of care.
Get in touch with us at Parent Care to find out more about how we could help your family. No matter how old your patient is and what level of care they require, our aides will be more than happy to assist them with love and compassion.