If you’ve googled what is home care, you might need help taking care of an elderly or disabled patient. In New York, most people are in their 80s by the time they need care, but it all depends on the individual situation. Sometimes, young people are unable to complete the Activities of Daily Living due to an injury or disability. Read on to find out more about home care in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens.
New York home care: When Does the Typical Patient Need In-home care?
Studies have shown that most Americans who need ongoing care are between the ages of 80 and 90. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the average age of people requesting a home health aide has decreased slightly. This might be because many people have been unwell in the last few years, and some didn’t receive the care they needed during lockdowns.
Aside from age, there are several factors that determine whether someone needs help with the Activities of Daily Living. People with disabilities, a serious illness, or mental health problems often require care early, while those who are perfectly healthy might live into their 90s without needing support. Another factor to consider is whether families are able to take on some care duties.
Patients with a hearing impairment, a visual impairment, autism, a brain injury, an intellectual disability, or a similar condition sometimes need care from a young age. They might not be able to get around, feed themselves, and keep clean without support. This puts a lot of strain on families, especially if the patient’s relatives are working full-time.
Keeping children, teenagers, and adults with a disability in their familiar environment is important because it helps them to feel comfortable and independent. At Parent Care, some aides and nurses can take care of young disabled people. These caregivers have a lot of experience, and they have been trained specifically to work with children and teenagers.
A Serious Illness
A serious illness like cancer or a stroke can change everything. A patient who was active and mobile before their diagnosis and treatment might suddenly need a lot of care. This is often overwhelming for families who didn’t have much time to prepare for this major change. The hpatient’s homemight not be set up for their new situation, and there might not be anyone to take care of them throughout the day.
In this situation, getting a home health aide is almost always the best solution. They help the person with their daily routine, prepare nutritious meals for them, and suggest small changes to the home that make life easier. In some cases, patients can stop using home healthcare services once they feel better. However, those who never fully recover can continue to get the care they need indefinitely.
A Challenging or Dangerous Job
Certain jobs are more likely to cause injuries. People who have worked in construction, logging, mining, or another profession that requires hard and dangerous physical work are more likely to need care early in life. They might develop a permanent disability due to a work accident or simply suffer from wear and tear after performing repetitive actions for many years.
Trouble with the Activities of Daily Living
When determining whether someone is a good candidate for home care, we assess how well they are able to complete the Activities of Daily Living. The basic ADLs include moving from one position to another inside the home, preparing meals and eating, putting on clothes, bathing, maintaining good physical and oral hygiene, controlling bladder and bowel function, and using the toilet appropriately.
The instrumental ADLs are managing one’s finances, going shopping, using public or private transportation, cleaning the house, communicating with others using a phone or mail, and managing medications. If a patient is no longer able to perform the basic ADLs, they need daily assistance. Those who struggle with the IADLs might need their home health aide several times a week, but not every day.
Mental Health Considerations
Each year, around 20% of Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens residents suffer from the symptoms of a mental health condition. 10% aren’t able to function normally due to conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. They might not do well at school or work, have trouble participating in activities they used to enjoy, and be unable to perform regular household tasks.
Sometimes, people with mental health conditions need temporary or permanent care. Aside from assistance with the ADLs, they might benefit from companion care. This service is designed to provide patients with social interaction. The companion visits your loved one and speaks to them, reads a story, plays a game, or simply helps them with light housework.
Family Support
If you’ve Googled what is home care, you might be a family member or friend of someone struggling with the ADLs. Taking care of an elderly or disabled loved one is particularly difficult for people who are working full-time.
Because many New York families now have two working parents, it’s almost impossible for them to also look after an elderly person who needs care multiple times a day. If nobody in your family is able to commit to full-time care, we at Parent Care are ready to help. We’ll always treat your loved one like our own family member.
What Is home care?
At an agency like Parent Care, home care means helping patients remain at home despite their challenges with the ADLs. We start by inviting family members to a care planning consultation, during which we learn more about the patient and their needs. We’ll then visit your loved one at home to assess whether they have a comfortable setup. Adjustments like handrails and anti-slip mats might be necessary.
Once the patient is safe, we’ll determine a home health schedule that works for them. Some people need their aide twice a day, while others only need one visit per week. The aide performs a wide variety of tasks like helping the patient to move from the bed to a chair, preparing a simple meal, washing and dressing the person, and making sure they take the right kind of medication. They might also take your loved one to appointments or shopping.
Accessing home care in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx
Our services are available to qualified Medicaid recipients. If your loved one isn’t enrolled in Medicaid yet, reach out to us. We’ll help you to determine if they qualify and fill out the necessary paperwork. When the enrollment process is complete, we’ll match your relative up with the best caregiver in the area.
All our aides are qualified, and they receive a competitive salary. That way, they can focus all their energy on taking care of your loved one instead of worrying about their finances.
What is home care? It is a service that allows elderly and disabled people to remain at home, even if they are no longer able to perform the ADLs. Many New York residents don’t need care until they are in their 80s. However, people with mental or physical disabilities or a serious illness sometimes need home care at an early age. Reach out to us at Parent Care in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx to book a care planning meeting.