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An elderly woman and man hugging.

How Often Does a home care Team Visit a Patient?

Most elderly people living in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, or Manhattan prefer to stay in their own homes instead of moving to a nursing home. However, this can be a challenge if they are no longer able to take care of themselves. home care helps New York residents who struggle with the Activities of Daily Living to remain in their familiar environment.

How Often Does a New York home care Team Visit a Patient?

When you first reach out to us about your elderly or disabled relative, we’ll book an elder care planning meeting. During this appointment, we discuss the patient’s condition and their needs to figure out the optimal care schedule. Initially, some people only need one or two appointments a week because they can still perform most of the Activities of Daily Living.

Other patients need one to two appointments each day. They might no longer be able to get up and go to bed on their own, and they might struggle to prepare healthy meals and remember to take their medication. Every few months, we reassess the situation to make sure the current care plan is still working. If the patient’s needs change, we increase or decrease the frequency of the appointments.

In the Morning

Typically, home health aides visit patients in the mornings to help them get up and ready for the day. The aide might bathe or shower the person, help them to use the restroom, help them to change into daytime clothes, and perform basic wound care. Aides can also make a cup of coffee or tea and prepare a basic meal. By the time the aide leaves, the patient is comfortably settled in their living room and ready for the day.

In addition to performing basic services, home health aides also remind patients to take their medication and assist with basic household chores. Sometimes, they might escort the person to their appointments or help them to shop for groceries.

In the Evening 

Many elderly or disabled people have one daily appointment, but some have two. The aide might come back in the evening to help the patient change into nighttime clothes, use the restroom, brush their teeth, and get into bed. Sometimes, the aide prepares a small evening meal for the patient. This evening appointment might be shorter than the morning one because it doesn’t always involve a bath or shower.

Companion Care 

Loneliness is one of the biggest problems for elderly or disabled people living in their own homes. Families often struggle to provide the patient with the social interaction they need, especially if the elderly person doesn’t live nearby. One of the services we offer at Parent Care is companion care. Unlike an aide, a companion is mainly there to provide emotional support and social interaction.

These visits are less frequent, but they are just as important. They can be fully customized to the patient’s needs. Sometimes, the companion simply sits with them and talks. However, they can also play games, perform light housework, escort the patient to an appointment, read a story or book, or watch a movie with the patient.

The Home Inspection

Before offering home health services to residents of Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan, we make sure that we fully understand the patient’s situation. We start by consulting the family to find out what care the person is already getting, whether they are socially isolated, and what health concerns they are struggling with. Then, a registered nurse or healthcare provider visits the patient and checks that their home is suitable.

This initial one-off visit is important because it reassures you that your loved one is safe in their own home. The nurse might suggest modifications like anti-slip mats, handrails, and a chair in the shower to prevent slips and falls. If the patient’s situation changes over time, we might recommend another home inspection several months or years after the first one.

Care Coordination 

If your loved one has extensive care needs and multiple medical concerns, they might have to visit the hospital, attend rehabilitation classes, work with a therapist, and regularly see their primary physician. Coordinating all these various appointments can be difficult for your family. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone.

In addition to home health services, we also offer care coordination. A coordinator will work with your family to meet your loved one’s needs. They will learn about the patient’s preferences and develop the best care routine possible. Then, they will communicate with the entire care team to make sure that everyone is informed about the patient’s situation.

How Long Does the Service Last? 

Patients who qualify can get help for as long as they need. Some people require care for a short time because they’re recovering from an accident or injury. Others are no longer able to perform the Activities of Daily Living because they are elderly. These patients might need our services for many months or years.

We don’t limit our visits to a specific number of months or years because we understand that everyone’s situation is different. However, we might reassess the patient regularly to make sure that we are still offering the correct level of care.

What Is Hospice Care?

Hospice care is specifically designed for people who are nearing the end of their life. The patient might be terminally ill, so care is focused on relieving their pain and making them comfortable. We collaborate with palliative care companies to provide patients with the services they need.

Terminally ill people might receive visits by home health aides, nurses, chaplains, social workers, volunteers, physical therapists, nutritionists, and occupational therapists. If possible, the person stays at their own home until they pass away.

Who Can Get Care in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan? 

Anyone who is no longer able to live at home without assistance and qualifies for New York Medicaid is eligible for home care. Patients who struggle to feed, bathe, and groom themselves can book a daily appointment. The best way to get started is to reach out to us and book an elder care planning appointment. During this meeting, we help you to decide whether our services are right for your family.

What Are the Activities of Daily Living? 

We use the Activities of Daily Living to figure out whether a patient could benefit from home health services and if so, how many appointments they need per week. The basic ADLs include moving from one position to another, preparing simple meals, getting dressed, maintaining good overall hygiene, controlling bladder and bowel function, and using the restroom appropriately.

Patients who struggle with these ADLs typically qualify for at least one home health aide visit a day. Those who can still perform all these activities might still be eligible for care several times a week or month if they struggle with the Instrumental ADLs. They are shopping, transportation, communicating with others, managing medications, home maintenance, managing finances, and meal preparation.

New York residents who qualify for Medicaid can get home care once or twice a day for as long as they need it. The home health aide helps them with their personal hygiene, their morning and evening routines, their medication, and more. Some aides and companions also drive elderly residents to their appointments. Reach out to us at Parent Care to find out more about getting an aide in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, or Manhattan. 

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